
6G will encompass next-generation communication systems with embedded intelligence and trust, to enable innovative human-centric services such as pervasive mixed reality and rich-sensing-based tele-presence. Despite the massive current adoption of smartphones, they are expected to be replaced by a variety of more immersive, wearable, power-efficient sensing and imaging devices that will enhance end user’s experiences and capabilities throughout their every-day activities—both personal and business-related.

Hackerness provides Hack6G™—a comprehensive “intelligence-native” platform to seamlessly integrate connected Edge devices and Internet-of-Things (IoT) domains, to 6G compute and networking decentralized infrastructures, creating a continuum for the optimized lifecycle management of rich services. Building on world-leading expertise in AI/ML, telecommunications and IoT technologies, Hack6G™ is enriched with advanced analytics and automation features to harness the unprecedented amount of information that 6G will generate and utilize about people and businesses.
